
November 20, 2024
AgroVIR Ltd. Acquired FarmFacts Hungary Ltd.: A Strategic Step Forward in Agricultural Digitization
AgroVIR Ltd. and FarmFacts Hungary Ltd. announce that AgroVIR Ltd. acquired a 100% ownership stake in FarmFacts Hungary Ltd. from Germany based FarmFacts GmbH on November 13, 2024. FarmFacts Hungary was the distributor of NEXT Farming software.
October 30, 2024
Advanced fleet management in a farm management software
AXIOS Group, one of Romania's largest agricultural companies, manages approximately 20,000 hectares of land, making the scale and complexity of its operations a significant challenge. With a strong focus on growth and modernization, AXIOS consistently seeks innovative solutions to enhance its operations. The company’s fleet generates large amounts of data daily, including performance metrics, fuel consumption, and engine hours from its tractors and combine harvesters.
July 25, 2024
Largest AgroVIR implementation project completed at Bonafarm Group
Last week, the AgroVIR system was officially handed over to the Bonafarm Group, marking the completion of one of the company's longest-running projects. This implementation project, initiated in 2021, lasted 3.5 years. Several unique features were integrated into the system to ensure it meets all the specific needs of the group, creating a seamless implementation that complements their existing high-quality and precise IT management.
July 12, 2024
AgroVIR expanding overseas
We are proud to announce that after a long period of preparation and planning, we are expanding our reach to the United States. AgroVIR is already available all across Central Europe, now the time has come to meet farmers in the US to take their farm management to a new level with professional software.
June 04, 2024
Livestock Module: Innovative solutions for animal farming
Initially, AgroVIR’s main focus was on revolutionizing the data management of arable farmers, soon it conquered the sector and has become the leading farm management software. However, in agriculture, crop production and livestock farming are closely linked together. As livestock farmers face difficult administrative processes that become unmanageable without adequate digitalization, our colleagues felt the need to create an animal husbandry module, focusing on cattle breeding to offer solutions for them. They formed a whole integrated system that embraces all operations on a farm. This makes AgroVIR’s animal husbandry module stand out, and not just one of many farm management software.
April 24, 2024
Implementing AgroVIR to your everyday routine
Changes always play a big role in the life of a company and it is not always easy to manage them. It can be a challenging time for all the employees, as it causes a major difference in their daily routine. In this article, we would like to share how such a big change in the management of a company takes place, and what are the essential steps of implementing a new farm management system in your everyday.
March 25, 2024
Farm management under 100 ha
A common misconception is that digital tools in farming are only for large farms, those cultivating thousands of hectares and equipped with the latest machinery. Indeed, farm management software has become nearly indispensable for such large-scale farms. However, this perspective overlooks a crucial shift in the agricultural landscape: a growing number of smallholders are embracing digitalization, recognizing it as essential to their future farming. Faced with increasing administrative burdens, these farmers are finding that farm management softwares aren’t just for the giants of the industry - it's a key to success for farms of all sizes.
March 09, 2024
AgroVIR Collaborates with Bucharest Stock Exchange-Listed Partner – DN Agrar Group SA!
We are happy to share an important milestone of ours that took place in Romania, within the DN Agrar Group. AgroVIR has been actively supporting businesses for years and has now played an important role to provide financial and agricultural data for one our Romanian partner.
March 09, 2024
One of the biggest farms in Bulgaria is implementing AgroVIR Global!
We are thrilled to share an update on our latest project with one of the biggest Bulgarian agricultural firms, Kristera Agro, which is part of Agria Group Holding.
February 06, 2024
Sustainability regulations in the agri-food industry
Sustainability has never had such an important role in politics, the economy, or even in the everyday life of a farmer as nowadays. Most farmers and companies in the agri-food industry are familiar with the European Union’s aspiration for a more sustainable agriculture and economy, and also the regulations they have set in order to achieve it.
April 21, 2023
Artificial intelligence in agriculture
The collection and use of data offers extraordinary opportunities for businesses operating in agriculture. Data is pouring in, and nothing proves it better than the fact that you can't buy a modern machine without a data connection.
January 11, 2023
Which maize varieties serve. YOU the best?
Check other farmers’ choice
Looking back on the past production year, it is safe to say that 2022 will long be seen as an example year for farmers, unfortunately not because of the positive experiences. In 2022, the climatic conditions were the biggest enemy of arable farmers. The lack of rainfall caused serious concerns at the beginning of the year and these conditions did not subsequently improve in a way that gave farmers any cause for reassurance. Drought and lack of rainfall prevailed throughout the region, leading to an early start harvesting, which again affected yields. In this article we want to focus on the effects and solutions of this situation mainly focusing on the importance of variety selection with the help of AgroVIR farm management software.
February 24, 2022
How a farm management software can boost your profitability
Running a more profitable, productive, and sustainable farm business – the goal is clear to all farmers. However, the implementation raises several questions: how can I improve my business, and how can I make better decisions? The key is digital agriculture: using efficient farm management software enables farmers to create a modern, successful farm even under the competitive market conditions of the 21st century.