Rock solid administration
In a growing modern farm operation where you have to consolidate data from multiple companies and track the financial performance of various branches or departments it's easy to get entangled in the numbers. AgroVIR is an integrated system always at your service, that just simply works and is easy to use for always having an up-to-date overview and handling all kinds of transactions of an interconnected farm.
You can forget using vulnerable and complicated spreadsheets and leave behind the hassle that comes with handling a massive amount of information on paper or spreadsheets. AgroVIR offers an integrated financial module that can connect to your accounting or ERP system for delivering reports down to daily granularity based on valid and synchronized data. Save a large amount of time by automating your must-do tasks, create compliant and spotless reports with just a few clicks. DEMO REQUEST
Leave behind obsolete and slow ways of managing your farm data with paper or spreadsheet, enjoy the benefits of our modern database with electronic worksheets and automated document export solutions.
AgroVIR has proven to improve farm-typical administrative processes by making tasks simpler and more time-efficient
For fine-tuning operational efficiency a large number of factors have to be taken into account. AgroVIR helps you to handle all the details with ease.

Live DemoAgroVIR is the ultimate hub for having your farm operations in control. Our solutions enable you to keep records of the full crop production cycle starting with your input purchases, through stock keeping, field operations and harvests, right until sales.
Track your machine costs down to the smallest parts, administer labour costs of regular employees and seasonal workers, record all other overhead costs and allocate them too. Utilize our advanced dashboards to visualize data and summarize key metrics tailored for different stakeholders.
Comply easily with complicated regulations, have your official reports ready by just a few clicks and lower your risks of loosing subsidies or getting administrative fines. Manage your land leases in a professional way, have clarity considering your company’s area and easily create land lease contracts from your database. Synchronize your ERP or accounting system via APIs and enjoy the clarity and convenience of a flawless integration with up-to-date data.

All your farm data and maps in one place, smooth interfaces to field machines and other systems, easy to use smartphone app.
Rock solid administration
You can easily make financial reports aligned with the books. AgroVIR provides an integrated financial module and interface for valid, synchronized data and compliant reports down to daily granularity. You can save a large amount of time by saying goodbye to paper and complicated systems of spreadsheets. Moreover AgroVIR creates compliant automated reports for the authorities or for the management in seconds. Finally a 21st century way for you to have a rock solid administration on any farm.
AgroVIR creates compliant reports for the authorities with just a few clicks, saving time and reducing the risk of human error.
Set up your dashboards the way it feels right and have an easy overview of your most important metrics.
In case you would like to further process your data, you have the option to conveniently create report exports in popular file formats.
With AgroVIR you can handle multiple business entities and inter-company transactions enabling you to always have an up-to-date consolidated overview.
Our various modules make it possible to administer your livestock breeding, orchard, vineyard or processing operations on a high level.
Track your machine costs down to the smallest parts, administer rent and amortization fees and allocate them easily.
See your stocks in volume or value, handle transfers and all kinds of stock movements both for input materials and products.
Connect your ERP or bookkeeping system to AgroVIR easily through API connections.
You can receive data directly from your weighbridge.
Connect your gas station or import spreadsheets to AgroVIR for the precise tracking of fuel consumption of machines.
Easily handle all your landowner business partners with all the relevant details. Track the balances and maturities and control your payout list.
AgroVIR creates your land lease contracts based on details from your database with just a few clicks, saving you valuable time.