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April 24, 2024
Implementing AgroVIR to your everyday routine
Changes always play a big role in the life of a company and it is not always easy to manage them. It can be a challenging time for all the employees, as it causes a major difference in their daily routine. In this article, we would like to share how such a big change in the management of a company takes place, and what are the essential steps of implementing a new farm management system in your everyday.
Making the first step of your journey
Once you've explored the benefits of AgroVIR and committed it is time to sign the contract. After making this important step the real work of advancing your company further begins.
Importance of in-person meetings
Here at AgroVIR, we believe that in-person meetings are key to having good communication in this crucial period, even if your farm is 100 km away. To ensure that, a kick-off meeting is always held is to set up a date for a farm-site visit, which is almost the most important step in the implementation process. In the case of a bigger company or holding it means that our colleagues visit every company and farm belonging to that enterprise.
Trading office meetings for farm visits
This personal meeting and farm visit is a significant event for both parties. It provides an opportunity to get to know all the work processes and specific operations happening on the farm. Besides the head of the company, all managers participate in this meeting, including the head of agronomy, HR, accounting, and so on. They are requested to explain their daily administrative and management processes happening in their field.
Synchronizing your workflow and assigning key roles
Colleagues will evaluate the current systems on the farm that need to be integrated with the AgroVIR system, including bridge scales, machinery, and any existing Enterprise Resource Planning software. In some cases connecting such complex systems, the setup process might be time-consuming, but ultimately, it will streamline your company's daily operations.
For holdings or companies with multiple sites, it is important that data recording and management at the different locations follow the same methodology and can be standardized, and it is usually during these farm visits that such differences are discovered.
A key person will be assigned to be in charge of the use of the system within the company, to ensure a smooth transition, and to assist internal processes and staff. This person is the link between AgroVIR and the farm, responsible for ensuring that all employees use the system correctly so the software can provide high-quality data for analysis.
Gathering the necessary data
The next step is collecting all the available data. For that, we provide our partners a pre-made Excel where they can enter all their information such as the number of employees, machinery, the current inventory, and partners of the company. Besides this, all land is going to be collected based on parcel identification. Our IT colleagues can easily migrate all this data into the AgroVIR system and provide the company with a test version of the software where they can practice the use of it.
Mastering AgroVIR for optimal data quality
To help everyone learn the practices they need for their day-to-day work, all employees working in different areas are given introductory training by our colleagues about the use of AgroVIR. This can be one or more sessions, depending on the complexity of the company and the number of employees. Everyone must use the system with precision and confidence to ensure that the data is accurate so that we can rely on the them to support our decision-making.
Securing a future of enhanced decision-making and efficiency
The length of this process is highly dependent on the specific farm and company. Usually after the starting date, the data is not yet accurate, the employees need to become familiar with the system. For that reason, three or four weeks after the starting date another meeting is held to discuss the recent experiences. On average we can say that after a year of using AgroVIR the data quality is significantly better and the system is successfully implemented.
Implementing AgroVIR into your farm management routine involves a series of structured and personal interactions that ensure every part of your farm is fully integrated. From initial in-person meetings to detailed training sessions, each step is designed to harmonize your data management and operational processes with AgroVIR, leading to improved decision-making and efficiency. This transformation, though demanding, promises significant long-term benefits, making it a valuable investment for the future of any farm or agricultural enterprise.
Kinga Lantos
Milan Gyenizse